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Vintage Absinthe
Pernod Fils
Edouard Pernod
Vintage Absinthe Reproduction
Otto Legler
Superieure Absinthe
Logan Fils
La Blanche
Logan Modern
Absinthe Accessories
Spoon Holders
Sugar Holders
Shamanic Herbs/Seeds
Salvia Divinorum
Pernod Fils Label

Absinthe FAQ

Does your vintage absinthe reproduction contain any wormwood?
Absinthe of superiour quality can not be made or reproduced without a certain amount of grand wormwood.We use the same quality and quantity of grand wormwood in our vintage absinthe reproduction as you would find in the 19th century pre-banned absinthe.

How much thujone does it contain then?
The Otto Legler vintage absinthe reproduction contains around 40mg of thujone per litre. The same amount of thujone found in vintage absinthe.

Can it be found in a liqueur store?
Depends on the country, because of its level of thujone and label design.

Do you sell the vintage bottles or samples?
So far, we have used and still use them for analytical and tasting purposes but may sell a few samples.

Is the taste of a vintage absinthe different from what I can buy in a liqueur store?
Second to none and if you can get hand on a sample just go for it.

Will your absinthe make me high?
No, unless you drink it regularly in the same quantities as the poets and artists from the 19th century.

Will absinthe with advertised very high amount of thujone make me high?
That absinthe has nothing to do with pre-banned absinthe and in many cases it is not absinthe at all.

Does it matter where absinthe is made?
No, but it does matter how it is made and what sources are used.

Is it necessary to taste vintage absinthe in order to make absinthe?
There is no precise definition of absinthe today and what you can see labeled as absinthe may not be absinthe and usually it is miles away from a vintage absinthe.

Does your reproduction taste the same as a vintage absinthe?
It is not technically possible to go back to the 19th century.The vintage bottles and samples aged so long so that there is no alcohol bite and all the essencial oils and alcohol had more that enough time to blend.We make it as close as it can be technicaly possible and there are quite a lot of similarities.

Why do you sell Salvia Divinorum?
Some absinthe advertisements claim that absinthe has some powerful properties which make you hallucinate and refer to the 19th century poets and artists who seem to experienced that.In reality, not only did they drink absinthe but other drinks and also took drugs and the combination over time may have developed some signs of hallucination.Superiour quality absinthe is a refreshing drink with properties that can not be found in any other alcoholic beverage. However, it is far from signs of hallucination.
Salvia Divinorum on the other hand contains Salvinorin A which is a powerful stimulant and causes a substational alteration of mind and is legal in many states and countries around the world.

Wormwood Plant
Pernod Distillery
absinthe still
absinthe still